Contact Lenses: Complications That Can Result From Wearing Contacts For Vision Correction

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What to Expect When Visiting an Optometrist With Children

My name is Mallory. I am a stay-at-home mom with four children ranging in age from 1 to 8. I decided to create this website because, while I myself have been to an optometrist, I didn't know what the experience would be like when I had to take my oldest daughter. Through this website, I hope to educate other parents on topics about what to expect, how to calm your child's fears and what the experience is like from a child's perspective. If your child is going to their first optometrist appointment in the near future, I hope my website proves useful to you.


Contact Lenses: Complications That Can Result From Wearing Contacts For Vision Correction

4 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you rely on contact lenses for vision correction, you are certainly not alone. More than 30 million people in the United States wear contact lenses, and two-thirds of these wearers are female. While most people wear contact lenses with nothing more than occasional irritation, there are complications that can result from wearing contacts. If you are suffering from lens discomfort, or you are having trouble wearing your lenses for any length of time, it's important to have your eyes checked by an optometrist to address the issue.

Your Contact Lenses Are Not Comfortable

When you can't wear your contact lenses because they are not comfortable, this could be a bigger problem than some deposits on your contact lenses. While dirty contact lenses can cause discomfort, if you try on a new pair and they are still bothersome, you may have other issues with your eyes. Patients who have allergies to the contacts, or contact lens solutions, chronically dry eyes, conjunctivitis and other eye issues may have trouble wearing contact lenses because they are not comfortable. 

You Have Trouble Wearing the Lenses all Day

Infections, allergies and dry eyes are the main reasons people have trouble wearing contact lenses all day long. While you may not have specific discomfort throughout the day, if your eyes become irritated from wearing contact lenses, you may simply need to give your eyes a break. Try using drops that wet your eyes, but focus on using drops that don't contain any preservatives.

Your Vision Is Blurry

Protein deposits on your contact lenses can cause blurry vision, and while hard lenses can be polished to remove deposits, you will probably need to throw away soft lenses that have protein deposits on them. If you are wearing contacts and your vision is blurry, start by trying out a new pair. If you are still having trouble with blurry vision, call your optometrist for a checkup.

Complications from Contact Lens Wearing

Tight lens syndrome, corneal ulcers or infections, corneal edema or swelling, conjunctivitis, and eye redness can all be caused from wearing contact lenses. If you develop an infection from your contact lenses, you will need to take a break from wearing the lenses until the complication has healed. If you experience pain when you are wearing your lenses, or you develop eye swelling or trouble with blurry vision, it's time to meet with your optometrist, such as Jeffrey C. Fogt, OD, for an evaluation.